SISKO: We'll be entering the wormhole in about aminute. OPAKA: Thank you again for indulging me. KIRA: Not at all, Opaka. You honour us with your presence. SISKO: Yangtzee Kiang to DS Nine. Estimated time of return, fourteenhundred hours. DAX [OC]: Logged in We'll expect you then. KIRA: Flight stabilisation at maximum. SISKO: Here we go. (WHOOSH, and they travel through the lines of energy to the GammaQuadrant.) BASHIR: Spectacular, isn't it? OPAKA: More than I imagined. SISKO: My smoothest ride yet, Major. BASHIR: There's Idran, the closest system. It's a ternary star. OPAKA: A doorway into the unknown. SISKO: The other side of the galaxy, to be precise. The Gamma quadrantis seventy thousand light years from Bajor. It would take our fasteststarship over sixty seven years to get here. OPAKA: I'm glad I got the chance to see it. SISKO: You'll be seeing what this wormhole is worth to Bajor in a fewyears. OPAKA: If that is to be my fate, Commander. KIRA: Should I reverse course? OPAKA: So soon? SISKO: There's not much else to show you yet. OPAKA: Prophecy can often be vague, Commander. That's why we must testit. SISKO: I don't understand, Opaka. OPAKA: You may return. SISKO: Take us back to the wormhole, Major. KIRA: Coming about. Sensors are picking up a narrow band subspacesignal. SISKO: What do you make of it? KIRA: Just a long stream of statistical data followed by a request forreply. I'm not reading any response. SISKO: Launch a class two probe. We'll follow it up later. OPAKA: You're not going to investigate it now? SISKO: I'm not sure that's a good idea. OPAKA: Because of my presence? KIRA: There's no telling what it may be. OPAKA: Please, Commander. I don't get out often. SISKO: Can you get a fix on the source, Major? KIRA: Point three five light years, bearing two two nine mark four one.SISKO: I guess we'd better take a look. (At a small brown planet) KIRA: This is definitely the origin of the signal. I'm having troublepinpointing the source. It's not coming from the surface. SISKO: There's your answer. A network of artificial satellites. One ofthem looks like it's malfunctioning. Its orbit is unstable. I'd bet thesignals we picked up were from the system trying to repair it. BASHIR: Commander, sensors indicate lifeforms localised in twelvesquare kilometres on the moon's surface. They may be humanoid, sir SISKO: Humanoid? Can you verify that? BASHIR: I can't resolve the biopatterns. There's too much interference.SISKO: Take us in a little closer. KIRA: We're being scanned by one of the satellites. I don't like this.It's heading toward us. SISKO: Shields up! KIRA: Reading a significant energy build-up in the satellite. Sixhundred megawatts, nine hundred, it's firing. (BANG) KIRA: Shields are down. Forward thrusters are gone. We're losing power.SISKO: Attempting to compensate with secondary boosters. KIRA: Impulse generators failing. SISKO: Hold on, we're going down. Check contingency fuel cell output. KIRA: Holding at sixty-five percent. SISKO: Doctor, watch the hull temperature. BASHIR: Aye, sir. KIRA: Stabilising attitude control response. SISKO: Pitching up to twenty degrees. BASHIR: Hull temperature nine hundred C, nine fifty, eleven hundred. KIRA: We're holding profile. BASHIR: Twelve hundred C. Thirteen. SISKO: Ejecting antimatter pod. KIRA: Pitching up to sixty degrees. Prepare for final brakingmanoeuvres. SISKO: Brace for impact! (Blackout, thud, crash)
(It's lit, and someone is sharpening a blade.) ENNIS: Move. SHEL-LA: Our first visitors. You're not all the same race. KIRA: I'm a Bajoran. SISKO: I'm Commander Benjamin Sisko. Major Kira Nerys and Doctor JulianBashir. SHEL-LA: A doctor? How ironic. I'm Golin Shel-la, leader of the Ennis.Why are you here? SISKO: We were attacked by one of your satellites. Our ship was damagedand we crashed. SHEL-LA: Of course, Commander. But why did you come here? SISKO: We were exploring. We've recently discovered a permanentwormhole linking our quadrant of the galaxy with yours. I command aspace station at the mouth of that wormhole. SHEL-LA: You know nothing of our home planet. You know nothing of thepunishment. SISKO: We're just beginning to explore this sector. As I said, our homeis on the other side of the galaxy. (Kira is in pain) BASHIR: Major. KIRA: I'm all right. BASHIR: The hell you are. She needs treatment. I'd like my medicalcase, if you don't mind. (Shel-la sits as if he doesn't care, and a woman opens the case andstarts looking through it. Bashir snatches it away) BASHIR: For God's sake. SHEL-LA: I apologise for our cautious nature. If you haven't realised,we're at war. SISKO: Who are you fighting? SHEL-LA: A brutal enemy that attacks at whim. We maintain a constantvigil. (holds up a phaser) This is an energy weapon. SISKO: Yes. SHEL-LA: The Ennis stopped using directed energy weapons centuries ago.Not damaging enough. Your arrival complicates matters. SISKO: We don't plan to be here long. SHEL-LA: Oh, you expect to repair your ship? SISKO: No, but a rescue team is probably on it's way right now. SHEL-LA: Like you, they'll have to deal with the defence net, and thatis beyond my influence. SISKO: You don't control the satellites? SHEL-LA: We're all prisoners on this moon. SISKO: Then this is a penal colony SHEL-LA: My immediate concern regards your partisanship. By yourpresence here, you'll be considered our allies. All your lives are indanger. (A group of casualties lie groaning) SHEL-LA: The latest victims of our enemy, the Nol-Ennis. SISKO: Where are your doctors? SHEL-LA: We have none. SISKO: You have no medical personnel? How do you survive without SHEL-LA: We were thrust into this situation with few resources. Sinceyou're here under similar circumstances I was hoping we'd be of somehelp to each other. BASHIR: This should make you feel better. Major, I'm so sorry. Iwould've done anything. KIRA: It's all so senseless. Opaka's always been a symbol of hope tome. Her words gave our struggle meaning. And now she's dead. Her lifeends on some unknown moon, and for what? SISKO: Doctor Bashir will give you any medical assistance he can, butunderstand, we can't take sides in your battle. SHEL-LA: It doesn't matter what I understand if the Nol capture you. SISKO: Seems we're in the middle of a pretty ugly war. BASHIR: I gathered that. SISKO: Shel-la says his people will protect us from their enemy inexchange for your services. BASHIR: Perhaps I can train some of them in the basics of field triage.SISKO: Do whatever you can. How's the shoulder, Major? KIRA: I'll live. BASHIR: I still have to run a neuromuscular scan on her when we getback. SISKO: Don't count on a quick rescue. This moon is some kind of highsecurity prison colony. (BANG! Enter the enemy, firing. There are casualties on both sides.Kira runs for a dropped phaser) SISKO: Major! (Kira fires at the cave roof, bringing rocks down on their attackers.) NOL: Let's go! Leave him! (The rest run away and Bashir starts his triage) KIRA: Commander! (A short, plump silhouette appears in the cave entrance) SISKO: Put your phaser down, Kira. (Yes, it is Opaka.) (A little later, as bodies are being dragged away.) BASHIR: Her vital signs appear to be normal, but I could have sworn shewas KIRA: I was there, Doctor. SISKO: Opaka, are you aware of what happened? OPAKA: The surface was approaching so quickly, I must admit I closed myeyes, Commander. There was a deafening whine. I felt the impact. A wallof heat seemed to pass through me, and then nothing. SISKO: After we crashed, we pulled you from the wreckage but you were OPAKA: Dead. (Kira leads Opaka away) SISKO: How do you explain this, Doctor? BASHIR: Although she appears to be normal, her physiology has beenradically altered. SISKO: How? BASHIR: I'm not sure. The tricorder indicates some kind ofbio-mechanical presence at a cellular level. SISKO: Bio-mechanical? You mean something artificial? BASHIR: I wish I could tell you. Whatever it is, it seems to bedirectly controlling her metabolic processes. SISKO: Is she in any danger? BASHIR: I'm sorry to keep saying it, Commander, but I really don'tknow. If the runabout's computer were functional, I might be able torun a full analysis. KIRA: Commander. Over here. (Other corpses are waking up.) BASHIR: It's okay. It's all right.
Star trek: deep space nine: Battle lines