With a known good power supply and known good SD card, the R-Pi boots occasionally, but other times shows only a tiny green flicker from the "OK" LED and it fails to start, even with no USB devices and no Ethernet. This has been reported several times[6][7][8] and remains an open issue. Low voltage or an improper SD card can cause it. Some SD cards will work until they warm up slightly, and then fail[9]. When exposed to 21 C room temperature the warmest part of an uncased working R-Pi should be 41 C[10]. The wiki has a list of working SD cards. Buy from a reliable vendor as it has been claimed that 1/3 of all "Sandisk" labelled memory cards are counterfeit.
Step 5: After creating partitions for Kali Linux, click Finish partitioning and write changes to disk. Then, click Continue. Click Yes to accept changes. Then, you can choose whether to install GRUB boot loader. After that, you can boot into Kali Linux.
CRACK Active Boot Disk Suite V5.3.3